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AC Heating Elements

Norcold AC Heating Elements/ AC Heaters for sale!

The heaters below fit the 1200 and 1210 model refrigerators. There are two different AC heating elements made for these model refrigerators. They both operate in the same way and both have the same specifications. The only difference is that older model 1200 refrigerator cooling units have a different diameter AC heater slot than newer model 1200's and all 1210's. To determine which will work with your refrigerator, you'll need the cooling unit serial number. This number is located on a white decal on the cooling unit itself.

If you have a 1200 model refrigerator and your cooling unit serial number is below 11231146, you need:

If you have a 1210 or 1200 model refrigerator and your cooling unit serial number is above 11231147, you need:

You'll find both of those heaters listed below. Both are in stock and ready for immediate shipment!